
Hi. I'm Jason Zimdars a web designer in Oklahoma City, OK and this is my website.

Firefox 1.0!

Finally, it is here. The first full release of Mozilla’s little browser that could. Download it now.

If you are in the dark, Firefox is web browser created by the open source software community. It has several advantages over other more ubiquitous browsers:

  • It is fast, streamlined, and a small download.
  • The browser looks, works, and feels almost identical on Windows, OS X, and Linux. (I never understood why the Mac version of Microsoft Internet Explorer was so fundamentally different from the Windows version).
  • It’s secure! Firefox is not susceptible to the myriad of security vulnerabilities that plague Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is a service to the web community to ensure that you do not contribute to the proliferation of security exploits, spam, and viruses.

C|Net has a nice collection of recent press on the Firefox phenomenon. Already, Firefox is cutting into Internet Explorer’s market share and with planned marketing efforts seeks to become the preferred browser of the masses.

Personally, I have really been happy with Firefox. Tabbed browsing is a truly essential feature and the setup was a piece of cake. On Windows, Firefox will actually import your preferences, favorites, cookies, etc. from Internet Explorer making the switch almost seamless. Bravo to Mozilla for making a piece of open source software that really can be used by novice computer users!

If you haven’t tried Firefox, what are you waiting for? Get it now!

Get Firefox!

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