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Excellent interview with Thom Yorke of Radiohead

All Messed Up

This is a really great look into the agony Yorke seems to feel about the crisis of our global environment and the powerlessness that many of us feel. In particular he weighs in on what many consider the hypocrisy of the band being extremely environmentally conscious but then staging huge stadium rock shows which use tons of energy.

Personally, I can really identify with much of this:

When Yorke feels things, he really feels them. He’s vigorous and passionate, and far from the dour grump he’s often portrayed as. It’s just that he gets ultra-stressed by things that many of us choose to ignore, and melodrama can ensue.

I often feel the same way despairing over issues that I feel so sad, so strongly about. I can be so emotionally overwhelmed by the oppressive weight of these issues and feeling so alone as I watch my fellow man zip through life apathetically. Really I think apathy is the worst of the world’s evil right now – if more people cared about eachother and our world and our future, I’m certain things would be so much better.

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